Jamu Kashmir United Movment

Empowering Jamu Kashmir for a Bright Tomorrow


At Jamu Kashmir United Movement (JKUM), we envision a region where justice, unity, and prosperity reign supreme. Our constitution is the bedrock of our commitment to creating a harmonious Jamu Kashmir a place where every individual thrives, regardless of their background.

Explore the Essence of JKUM

  • Name and Purpose: JKUM, short for Jamu Kashmir United Movement, signifies our dedication to a united and empowered Jamu Kashmir. Our purpose is clear to champion justice, unity, and prosperity, creating a society that values equality, transparency, and the well-being of all citizens.
  • Principles and Values:
    • Justice: Advocating for an independent judiciary that ensures equal rights and fair treatment for all.
    • Unity: Fostering inclusivity and collaboration among diverse communities to build a stronger, more cohesive society.
    • Prosperity: Working towards economic and social prosperity by endorsing policies that harness the region’s natural resources and empower its people.
  • Governance Structure:
    • Leadership: Led by a democratically elected central leadership council, guiding JKUM in alignment with its principles.
    • Local Chapters: Enhancing representation with local chapters governed by elected leaders, working in harmony with the central council.
  • Membership and Participation:
    • Eligibility: All individuals sharing JKUM’s values are welcome, without discrimination based on gender, race, religion, or socioeconomic background.
    • Participation: Members are encouraged to actively engage in JKUM’s initiatives, contributing to collective efforts aimed at achieving our goals.
  • Amendments and Revisions:
    • Amendments: Proposed amendments require a two-thirds majority vote from the central leadership council, ensuring a democratic process.
    • Revisions: The constitution may be periodically revised to align with the evolving needs and objectives of JKUM, following a democratic and consultative process.
  • Dissolution:
    • In the unlikely event of dissolution, JKUM’s assets shall be utilized for charitable purposes aligned with our mission, determined by a majority vote of the central leadership council.

Founding Members of Jamu Kashmir United Movement.

Join us in shaping the future we dream of a united, just, and prosperous Jamu Kashmir. Together, let’s embark on a journey towards a brighter tomorrow!



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