Jamu Kashmir United Movment

Nurturing Wellness, Building Resilience


Health is the bedrock of a thriving society, and JKUM is dedicated to formulating a robust health policy that prioritizes the well-being of every resident of Jamu Kashmir. Rooted in our vision for justice and prosperity, this policy outlines our commitment to accessible, quality healthcare that addresses the diverse health needs of our community.

Universal Access to Healthcare:

JKUM believes in the right to healthcare for all. Our health policy advocates for the establishment of a comprehensive healthcare system that ensures universal access to essential services. We strive to eliminate barriers to healthcare, making it accessible and affordable for every resident of Jamu Kashmir.

Strengthening Primary Healthcare:

The foundation of a healthy society lies in strong primary healthcare. JKUM supports initiatives to strengthen and expand primary healthcare services, including preventive care, vaccinations, and community health programs. By prioritizing early intervention and holistic health, we aim to build a resilient community.

Quality Medical Infrastructure:

JKUM advocates for the development and modernization of medical infrastructure in Jamu Kashmir. We support investments in state-of-the-art hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities equipped with the latest technology. Our goal is to provide residents with access to quality medical care that meets international standards.

Health Education and Awareness:

Prevention is paramount, and JKUM emphasizes health education and awareness programs. We believe that an informed community is an empowered one. Through campaigns and educational initiatives, we aim to promote healthy lifestyles, preventive measures, and early detection of health issues.

Mental Health Integration:

JKUM recognizes the importance of mental health and advocates for its integration into the broader healthcare framework. We support the establishment of mental health clinics, awareness programs, and initiatives to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Our goal is to create a holistic healthcare system that addresses both physical and mental well-being.

Community Health Initiatives:

Health is a community effort, and JKUM encourages community-based health initiatives. We support the formation of community health centers, partnerships with local organizations, and outreach programs to address specific health needs within different communities. Together, we can create a network of support that promotes overall health and well-being.

Women and Child Health:

JKUM places a special focus on the health of women and children. Our policy supports initiatives that enhance maternal health, ensure safe childbirth, and provide comprehensive healthcare for children. By prioritizing the well-being of women and children, we aim to build a healthier and more resilient future generation.

Emergency Preparedness and Response:

JKUM recognizes the importance of a robust emergency healthcare system. Our policy advocates for the development of emergency response services, including well-equipped ambulances and rapid response teams. By ensuring a swift and efficient response to emergencies, we aim to safeguard lives and minimize the impact of health crises.

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