Jamu Kashmir United Movment

Empowering Prosperity for All


In our pursuit of a prosperous Jamu Kashmir, JKUM recognizes the pivotal role of a robust and inclusive economic policy. Rooted in principles of fairness and sustainability, our economic vision aims to empower every individual, foster entrepreneurship, and harness the natural resources of the region for collective well-being.

  • Economic Empowerment:

JKUM envisions an economy that empowers every resident of Jamu Kashmir. We advocate for policies that promote inclusive growth, ensuring that the benefits of economic development reach all segments of society. Our focus is on creating opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship, and skill development to elevate the standard of living for all.

  • Sustainable Resource Management:

Jamu Kashmir is blessed with abundant natural resources, and JKUM is committed to their sustainable management. We advocate for responsible utilization, ensuring that economic activities do not compromise the ecological integrity of the region. Our goal is to strike a balance between economic development and environmental preservation.

  • Local Economic Development:

JKUM supports and encourages local economic initiatives. We believe in the strength of decentralized economic planning, empowering local communities to identify and capitalize on their unique strengths. By fostering local businesses and industries, we aim to create self-sufficient communities that contribute to the overall prosperity of Jamu Kashmir.

  • Innovation and Technology:

Embracing innovation is key to staying competitive in the global landscape. JKUM supports policies that encourage technological advancement and innovation across various sectors. By fostering a culture of creativity and embracing cutting-edge technologies, we aim to position Jamu Kashmir as a hub for innovation and progress.

  • Inclusive Financial Policies:

Access to financial resources is essential for economic empowerment. JKUM advocates for inclusive financial policies that provide equal opportunities for all residents to access credit, investment, and financial services. Our goal is to create an environment where individuals, particularly those in marginalized communities, can participate actively in economic activities.

  • Job Creation and Skill Development:

JKUM places a strong emphasis on job creation and skill development. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, we aim to facilitate the creation of diverse employment opportunities. Additionally, we advocate for comprehensive skill development programs to equip the workforce with the expertise needed for the evolving economic landscape.

  • Transparent Governance:

Transparency is the cornerstone of a thriving economy. JKUM advocates for transparent governance practices to ensure accountability and prevent corruption. By fostering an environment of trust and openness, we aim to attract domestic and foreign investments, fueling economic growth in Jamu Kashmir.

  • International Collaboration:

JKUM recognizes the importance of international collaboration in today’s interconnected world. We support policies that encourage positive engagement with the global community, fostering trade, investment, and knowledge exchange to position Jamu Kashmir as a player on the international economic stage.

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